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Choose Your Membership

Find A Membership That Works For You and Book Your Classes

  • Unlimited Crew Member

    Every month
    Perfect for beginners and dancers looking for an unlimited weekly dance and training experience.
    • Unlimited Monthly Access to All Classes of Your Choosing
    • Option to Perform in Studio Showcase (Additional Fee)
    • Two Free Technique Classes Monthly
  • Book of 5

    Available for any regular scheduled class.
    Valid for 60 days
    • Book of 10

      Available for any regular scheduled class.
      Valid for 60 days
      • Dance Vibes Imagine Schools K-2nd Grade

        Every month
        After School Dance and Performance Program at Imagine Schools at West Melbourne
        Valid for 8 months
        • Grades K-2. Tuesday's 3:40 PM- 4:40PM
      • Dance Vibes Imagine Schools 3rd-8th

        Every month
        After School Dance and Performance Program at Imagine Schools at West Melbourne
        Valid for 8 months
        • Grades 3rd-8th. Thursday's 3:40 PM- 4:40 PM
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